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Advisory Board


Lilian Edwards is a leading academic in the field of Internet law. She has taught information technology law, e-commerce law, privacy law and Internet law at undergraduate and postgraduate level since 1996 and been involved with law and artificial intelligence (AI) since 1985.

She worked at the University of Strathclyde from 1986–1988 and the University of Edinburgh from 1989 to 2006. She became Chair of Internet Law at the University of Southampton from 2006–2008, and then Professor of Internet Law at the University of Sheffield until late 2010, when she returned to Scotland to become Professor of E-Governance at the University of Strathclyde, while retaining close links with the renamed SCRIPT (AHRC Centre) at the University of Edinburgh. She resigned from that role in 2018 to take up a new Chair in Law, Innovation and Society at Newcastle University. She also has close links with the Oxford Internet Institute.

She is the editor and major author of Law, Policy and the Internet, one of the leading textbooks in the field of Internet law (Hart, 2018). She won the Future of Privacy Forum award in 2019 for best paper ("Slave to the Algorithm" with Michael Veale) and the award for best non-technical paper at FAccT* in 2020, on automated hiring. In 2004 she won the Barbara Wellberry Memorial Prize in 2004 for work on online privacy  where she invented the notion of data trusts, a concept which ten years later has been proposed in EU legislation. She is a partner in the Horizon Digital Economy Hub at Nottingham, the lead for the Alan Turing Institute on Law and AI,  and a fellow of the Institute for the Future of Work.  At Newcastle, she is the theme lead in the data NUCore for the Regulation of Data. She currently holds grants from the AHRC and the Leverhulme Trust. Edwards has consulted for inter alia  the EU Commission, the OECD, and WIPO.

Edwards co-chairs GikII, an annual series of international workshops on the intersections between law, technology and popular culture.

Bama Athreya is a Senior Advisor on Gender, Equity and Inclusion at Laudes Foundation. 


She has more than twenty years’ experience on international labor, gender and social inclusion, and business and human rights.  She recently completed a fellowship at Open Society Foundations on workers in the digital economy. 

Previously she worked for the US Agency for International Development (USAID) as Senior Specialist for Labor, Gender and Social Inclusion, and at the Solidarity Center, International Labor Rights Forum and Fontheim International.

She has designed and managed research and multi-country projects in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia on platform work, rights of working women, forced and child labor, and enhancing ethical practices in supply chains. She has developed and led multi-stakeholder initiatives with global corporations on labor compliance, and has worked and written extensively on labor and gender in trade and development policy.

She served as one of the founding Board members of the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium, an entity serving state and city governments in the United States who have adopted legislative or executive commitments to ethical procurement. She holds a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the University of Michigan.  She hosts a podcast, The Gig Podcast, on the future of work.

Silkie Carlo is the Director of Big Brother Watch.

She is a lifelong campaigner for the protection of civil liberties, particularly in the context of new and emerging technologies.

She works to uphold rights in the fields of state surveillance, policing technologies, big data, artificial intelligence and free expression online.

Before joining Big Brother Watch in January 2018, she was the Senior Advocacy Officer at Liberty where she led a programme on Technology and Human Rights and launched a legal challenge to the Investigatory Powers Act. She previously worked for Edward Snowden’s official defence fund and whistleblowers at risk.

Silkie is also an information security trainer and organises Cryptoparty London.

She is the co-author of Information Security for Journalists.

Judy Kuszewski joined Sancroft in 2016, and became our first Chief Executive in 2017. She leads our team of sustainability consultants and analysts in the UK and United States. Judy’s career in sustainability and corporate responsibility began twenty-five years ago. Before joining Sancroft, Judy co-founded Shine, a consultancy which specialises in sustainability strategy, stakeholder engagement, research and publishing. She is an experienced facilitator, and an expert in corporate reporting, transparency and accountability. Her expertise includes the energy, food, extractives and technology sectors.

Previously, Judy was director of client services for London-based think-tank and consultancy SustainAbility, where she led services in the energy and knowledge economy fields, and directed research and thought leadership on reporting and engagement. From 1992-2000, Judy was corporate programs director for Ceres, a business sustainability NGO based in Boston. During her time at Ceres, Judy worked to establish the Global Reporting Initiative and served as its first project director.

Judy is Chair of the Global Sustainability Standards Board, an independent body created by GRI with responsibility for setting globally-accepted sustainability reporting standards. Judy is a member of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment’s (PRI) Reporting and Assessment Advisory Committee, a body that seeks to improve reporting and disclosure around responsible investment with investors, asset owners, and service providers.

Judy is a United States citizen, and studied English at Boston College.

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