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Dynamic Pay Research

You are invited to take part in our UK-wide research project into Uber's use of dynamic pay and its effect on workers.

  • Have you noticed a drop in your earnings?

  • Are you working more hours for less pay?

Using your personal data, dynamic pay setting determines your pay on a trip-by-trip basis leaving you in the dark about your earnings, driving down wages, and discriminating between workers.


In partnership with Oxford University, we are looking for 100 Uber drivers to make data subject access requests. This is your legal right to receive the data that is held about you including personal information, journey data and earnings.


Using data science, we will analyse the results to understand exactly how pay has been reduced, how dynamic pay algorithms are applied across the UK, which areas are most impacted and how your personal data is being exploited.


We hope our research will expose violations of worker rights and enable workers to fight for fairer conditions. 


Are you interested?


By joining our research group, you will be part of a nation-wide network of platform workers and share your knowledge of the issues impacting you. You will also have opportunities to shape the direction of the research and suggest which issues you want investigated further.


We will help you to make a comprehensive data request to your platform so we can produce concrete proof of the reduced earnings so many workers have experienced. This is completely free and will have no impact on your driver or delivery account. You will remain anonymous in any publications.

What next?

If you want to challenge companies like Uber and Deliveroo and expose their unjust practices, make a data request today!

Please make ensure you list the companies you work for in the company details section:

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